Service or repair?


Picture of Ideal Boiler
Above is a picture of a boiler that is overdue for servicing

The above picture shows a part of the boiler that blocks up with small pieces of  debris. This causes the burner to back up with exhaust gas and puts the flame out. Normally you will get an error code or flashing light to show something is wrong.

There is no part needed
In this instance we can clean the blocked condense trap and have the boiler up and running in no time. We love these jobs as they are relatively affordable, Normally around £72 for the visit, and the heating and hot water can get back on!

That's all there is to it
When we attend the boiler breakdown, we have to check for blockages as part of the job. We can't generally tell off the fault code whether it is a blockage we can clear easily, or whether it will need a repair (new part) which leads us on to...

...or Repair?

Picture of Vaillant Boiler PCB
Above is a picture of a part that needs replacing

Sometimes parts just need replacing, and this is one of them. The PCB, or the brain of the boiler, is fried. Time to go to PCB heaven. This part is something that can't be cleaned or maintained.

Can't you just service it for now?
Yes, we can clean out the boiler, but it would be like cleaning a car engine, when the wheels are missing. You're not going anywhere until we have the new part.

Why is it so expensive?
Price gouging and profiteering has greatly increased the...Hold on, wrong website. For the purpose of this website, things are expensive for a variety of reasons, we have to pay the price of the part which we have to pass on to you. In this instance the PCB cost would be around £150-£250 and the labour cost around £100. It adds up quickly, but hopefully would stop you from paying for a new boiler unnecessarily.

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